Zoomarine contributes to save species of tortoise

Through its Foundation, our Zoomarine park located in Rome continues to support important species preservation projects. In this case, it joins “Turtle Island”, an NGO that works to save the mud tortoise ‘Kinosternon vogti’ endemic to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico from extinction.

This tortoise is very rare, it lives in wetlands and marshes that are disappearing, 1% of its natural habitat remains classified and its species is currently classified as “severely threatened.” Unfortunately, there are less than 500 specimens left, it is estimated that 90% of the total population will disappear in the next two years.

For this reason, Zoomarine has renovated the “Tortoises Oasis” which has an area of 650 m2 and houses 54 animals of different ages and sizes, and which is considered one of the largest of this species in the European Union Zoos. For each child who participates in the educational visits of this exhibition, Zoomarine will donate one dollar to “Tortoise Island”.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of tortoises on this 80-meter tour, guided by our experts who will tell you about interesting facts about these fascinating animals that need our support to avoid extinction.