Reintegration of Brimsley and Beefy

Today, the team of Specialists and Veterinarians at Gulf World Marine Institute (GWMI) returned to the Gulf of Mexico Brimsley and Beefy, two subadult loggerhead turtles that were undergoing rehabilitation after accidentally getting hooked on a fishing rod.

Brimsley arrived at GWMI in October last year with neck injuries caused by the hook, while Beefy arrived in March and when performing an X-ray, the Specialists noticed that he had a swivel in the intestinal tract, which was safely counteracted by the doctors and now both Brimsley and Beefy swim and eat properly.

We thank the Brimsley and Beefy rescuers, including the Russell-Fields City Pier staff, Panama City Beach lifeguards, the fisherman, and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) County Florida Bay officials for assisting in the rescues and transports. Many thanks to the GWMI team of Specialists and Veterinarians for their dedication in the rehabilitation and reintegration of these animals that need help, you have all the admiration of The Dolphin Company family.