We are a SRC for 19 years

We are very happy to announce that for the 19th consecutive year we obtained the Socially Responsible Company Distinction awarded by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi, for its acronym in Spanish), in the category of “large companies”, because our practices are aligned with the Objectives of Sustainable Development and the Principles of the Global Compact.

Cemefi has a system that contains a set of indicators aligned with national and international standards that evaluate four criteria: Environmental, Social, Governance and Global Context. Within each of the criteria to be evaluated, evidence of various aspects of the company is analyzed, such as the measurement of environmental impact, waste management, working conditions, impact on local communities, diversity and labor equality, business ethics, among many others.

This Distinction is very important to us because it recognizes the balance of our efforts to preserve the environment, offer the best working conditions to our associates, comply with government institutions and positive impact on local communities.