‘Loving is Caring’ turns 7 years old

We are very happy to announce that Loving is Caring, our responsible pet ownership campaign, is celebrating seven years of helping dogs and cats in vulnerable situations through the donation of resources that cover various needs of several shelters in Quintana Roo.

Since 2017, we have offered low-cost identification tags for dogs and cats so that, if they get lost, they can return home and avoid becoming part of the state’s stray fauna. All donations raised are given to the sterilization, feeding and veterinary care of pets in shelters and on the streets, and thanks to this we have managed to:

– Deliver more than 18,500 identification tags

– Donate more than 8 tons of food

– Sterilize more than 600 pets

– Participate in more than 190 events

– Raise awareness among more than 6,300 followers on social media about pet care

The shelters in our city need a lot of support, we do everything possible to help them cover some of the basic needs, but the greatest support can be given by you by carrying out small actions that make big changes such as sterilizing your pet, putting a name tag on it, not abandoning it on the street and adopting instead of buying.

You can get one or more name tags for your pets by contacting us on social media, each one for a value of $30 pesos or more, whatever you wish to donate to shelters. In addition, you can now find collars of various colors and designs for a donation of $75 pesos for dog collars and $50 pesos for cat collars.