Fundación Dolphin Discovery I.A.P.: 10 years of fulfilling dreams

We are very happy because our Fundación Dolphin Discovery I.A.P. celebrates 10 years of commitment and dedication to the development of children and adolescents in the communities where we have a presence.

Throughout its history, the Fundación Dolphin Discovery I.A.P. has contributed to the well-being of thousands of people in areas such as education, housing and health through the donation of financial resources, food, toys and opening its doors to fulfill the dream of more than 16,000 boys and girls who have had the opportunity to meet a marine mammal for the first time.

Our foundation is more than just a non-profit organization, it is an instrument of support for the vulnerable sectors of our society, it is contributing positively to basic aspects of many children and adolescents, it is fulfilling their dream of seeing the sea for the first time and getting to know more than one marine species up close. We invite everyone to take action together to offer them a better future.

10,000 Smiles, the Dolphin Race and the collection of school supplies and personal items are some of the activities we have created to encourage people to benefit their own community in some way. We have managed to collect more than 2,000 toys that have been donated to the children of our country to give them moments of joy on special dates for them such as Children’s Day.