People and community
Relationship with the Community.

Dolphin Discovery Foundation
Founded in 2014 with the commitment to improve life quality of children in Mexico and the Caribbean. Our mission is to strengthen and promote social programs oriented to fulfilling the most important needs of childhood. Health, Education & Housing.

10,000 Smiles
Developed for 7 consecutive years in Mexico and the Caribbean with the goal of allowing children to interact with dolphins at a preferential cost and at the same time collecting funds to donate to children in need by diversal foundations.

We organize inclusive events that offer educational activities about caring for the environment with materials in Braille, sensory resources and translation into Sign Language.

Making Dreams Come True
Helping children with a complicated health condition to achieve the dream of swimming with dolphins.

Social Programs
At the Dolphin Company we share the dream of swimming with dolphins with vulnerable groups in our communities.

Corporate Volunteering
We offer our associates the possibility to contribute not only with the global focus of the company but with actions and activities that satisfy them at a personal level on and off working hours.

Un Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals
As a company that is adhered to the Global Compact, we work to align our operations and strategies with the ten principles. The Dolphin Company supports the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030, approved in the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, which are targeted towards eliminating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all.
Our People
I Am The Dolphin Company
Transformational Leadership
Integral benefits
Scholarships, school gear, transportation, medial insurance.
Balance work-family
Activities in which we include the families of our associates.
TDC Talent
Program that began in 2012 with the commitment of developing college students into professionals. Many of them have been hired by us after concluding their professional practices at The Dolphin Company.
Work climate
Recognized for 8th consecutive year as a top 100 Mexican companies to work at (Expansion Magazine, The Economist, Top Companies).
ABC Dolphin Academy
Development of skills and abilities for our Marine Mammal Specialists.