Dolphins sounds
Turn up the volume and listen (video)

Questions and answers
Look at myths and reality about dolphins in human care (video)

Zoos and aquariums
are essential for animal conservation and education. (Video)

Anatomy of animals in our care and
domestic animals as well.Learn with Dolphin Discovery

Crossword puzzles are fun.Solve these from our parks in Jamaica and learn more about marine mammals

Dolphins are the most intelligent animals.They communicate through different sounds. Do you know that calves make unique sounds to communicate with their mothers? Turn up the volume and listen

Hunt for easter eggs.Play with us and find the hidden easter eggs. How many did you find?

Job of your dreams.Watch an interview with one of our Marine Mammal Specialists and get to know why they have the best job in the world!

Notes from the heart.Print our templates and leave notes to your family in secret places. Have fun looking for them and then rejoice reading how much you love each other

Puzzle for the family.Gulf World is one of our parks in Florida, put together this incredible puzzle

Unique animal interactions are what make us different.Answer this trivia and learn more about us

Very proud of how far you’ve come!You have made more than 20 activities and now you have earned an “Ocean Ambassador” badge. Pint it and wear it proudly

Watch a fun movie.Did you know Marineland was host to the movies Bernie the Dolphin part 1 and 2? Watch on Amazon Prime Video

Yes you can be an Animal Specialist!Follow this instructions to teach your dog a few tricks